Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday fun!

Nearly everyone was at my parents' house today. All six of the original Martinus kids, four spouses, and a lot of the grandkids were there for at least parts of the day. It was fabulous.

I told Zane that he wasn't allowed to watch TV, so while his cousins were watching a cartoon, he went outside and watched the show through the window. Kids.

We talked, made cookies, rolled coins, and played lots and lots of cards. Lots of cards. Houston learned how to play Wizard and won by a landslide his very first game. (It was totally beginner's luck, because he did lose quite horribly most of the rest of the night.) We had Chicago-style pizza (yum!). We played Duck with about 10 of us and it was wonderfully chaotic. We ate cookie dough (mmmmm). It was another super-fun day with family. Yay!

Meanwhile, Katrina left to go camping with Beth and Karla and Karla's kids. I miss my girl, but i really hope they're having fun! 

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