Monday, January 21, 2019

Winter Camp!

So after having school on the incredibly icy Tuesday last week, the kids all had a snow day on Wednesday, when the roads were completely not bad at all. I'm pretty sure that the schools all got yelled at on Tuesday, so they over-reacted on Wednesday and called it when it wasn't actually necessary. The upshot of it was that the high school's exams got moved one day back, which means that their last exams are tomorrow, which kind of sucks, because instead of having the long weekend to relax, the kids have to study.

But! It was also winter camp weekend! Houston never wants to go to winter camp, so he stayed home with Juanito while Katrina, Zane, and i headed off to Camp Geneva. Katrina was over in the high school side this year, which meant that i almost never saw her, but she had fun and was sad to leave her life group. Zane had fun too - he said that he spent almost the entire Saturday outside in the snow, which is pretty much his perfect winter day. (It snowed for the first time all winter! And Zane forgot his snowpants and boots! But he didn't care!)

Beth and my group of girls are definitely getting older and more mature, which is awesome! They're also getting more drama-filled, which is ... not as awesome. But we had a fun and exhausting time.

We got home on Sunday, and Katrina, Zane, and i all immediately took naps. I slept 3 hours. Katrina slept almost 5. I'm not sure exactly how long Zane slept, but at least a couple of hours. So yes. Fun! But exhausting!

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