Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve!

We spent most of the day at my parents' house, celebrating Christmas.

Juanito and Houston both missed the entire celebration, which was really disappointing for both of them. Houston tried really hard to believe that he wasn't sick (I kept asking him, "But are you SURE you feel good? I don't want to get people sick!) and went to church with us and went to my parents' house and took the family picture and then said, "I think i should go home." So that was sad.

The rest of us had fun opening presents and playing games and eating food and talking about all kinds of random stuff, as families tend to do. It was loud and chaotic and a bit overstimulating at times, but completely fun and happy.

And now i'm going to brag for a moment. The kids draw names to exchange presents, and Katrina got Gabriella, who loves horses and has a brand new room with lots of blank walls. So Katrina drew two horses that are so, so great, which go along with a painting that Juanito did.

Katrina, Zane, and i got home at 10:30ish and found a note from Houston on the door saying, "Wake me up when you get home, please!" So we all went up to tell him what presents he had gotten and to see how he was feeling. And he was feeling much, much better, so they all begged to open their presents of Christmas pajamas - we always open the pajamas the night before Christmas so they can wear them and wake up in their nice new jammies.

A couple of months ago, Katrina and i were walking through the store and she saw a unicorn pajama, which she immediately fell in love with and begged to get. I refused because i am mean, but then went back later (and then again to a different location because they didn't have anymore left) and bought it. And then we went back to the same store a few weeks ago and they didn't have any and she was mightily disappointed.

And so, when she opened her pajama, she was so, so, so happy. She ran and put it on and then exclaimed, "I love it SO MUCH!" and then flung herself in my lap and cried and cried because she was so happy. Awwwww.

Also, Zane has Gryffindor pajamas, complete with a robe, and Houston got some with a weeping angel, which is terrifying from the back.


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