Sunday, December 17, 2017


Katrina has been wanting to bake Christmas cookies, and so today we made that happen. She and i spent a few hours this morning and afternoon baking and baking and baking. We made chocolate fudge cookie things, cheesecake, peanut butter cookies (ew), molasses cookies, weird poinsettia cookies that totally failed, and these cute little mice cookies. We haven't tried them all yet, so some of them might be gross, but i CAN vouch for the deliciousness of the molasses cookies and the chocolate fudge cookies. And even if the rest of them ARE disgusting, it was really fun to do all of that baking with Katrina. She's adorable and fun and is old enough to actually do a significant part of the work now. Yay!

The rest of the day we watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and then went to church for Fifty6/the.element/Anthem. "It's a Wonderful Life" is my favorite Christmas movie, and after today we probably won't have a lot of movie-watching time, so i'm happy that we got to watch it before Christmas.

And finally, a hilarious snippet of conversation i had with Houston:
Houston: "What's that you're wearing? It's like a vest with sleeves...?"
Me: "Yes. So...a jacket."

In his defense, he realized the idiocy of his statement immediately after saying it, and both of us burst out laughing. 

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