After i posted about how horrible Emma is on walks, Linda suggested the "Gentle Leader." I looked it up and showed it to Juanito, and we agreed that we might need to try that. And then the very next day, we were at the dog park and another girl recommended it, and not that we didn't totally trust Linda's opinion, but having TWO people recommend it within two days? Juanito looked at the website and the pictures and the reviews, and said, "Y'know. I bet i could make that." And so he went to the dollar store and bought a harness, cut it apart a bit, made it the right shape and size, sewed it all up, and voila! Instant $1 Gentle-Leader-like thingy. Juanito put Emma into it and took her for a walk, and he said that it was like magic. She could be led around with one finger, no problem. Yay!!!
Katrina and Houston and i were all feeling like we wanted to lie around and snuggle and read today, so when we got home from church (where Houston kept trying his best to put his head down and fall asleep), Houston headed straight up to bed to take a nap. Katrina and i ate some lunch and then headed up to my bed to snuggle in and read a couple of chapters of Harry Potter.
Juanito and Zane, meanwhile, played with his remote control car and drove Emma INSANE. Katrina and i were upstairs and could hear her barking like she was trying to destroy someone with her words. She has weird reactions to some things. Sledding, swinging, remote control cars. Vacuums, but that's more normal.
Houston and Katrina had church group tonight, so Zane was left alone with both me and Juanito to himself. He's an awesome, cheerful kid, but he kind of sucks at entertaining himself. We all played Blokus, and then suggested that he find something to do. Him: "Do you want to play another game? Do you want to watch a movie with me? Do you want to play Webkinz with me? Can i just play a computer game by myself?" (No, no, no, no.)
"Do you want to snuggle with me?"
I mean. Really. How do you say no to that?
Sounds like a nice, restful Sunday :) Uncle Ken and Aunt Barb were here for the weekend and we had a really nice time visiting and going out to eat with them and B and M. Today it is raining so I think we will head over and empty more boxes. :) Have a good Monday - Love you