I got to go on a date with Katrina this morning. She's been looking forward to it for weeks. Last week, she had a friend sleep over for her birthday, and she was all disappointed to have to wait. She's been planning for about 3 weeks to go today...and then a couple of days ago she realized that she was going to a sleepover at her friend's house Friday night. Which means she wouldn't be here for breakfast. She welled up with tears and and was just SO disappointed. I gave her several options (we could go this day or this day or do lunch on these days....), and she decided that her favorite option was to get picked up early from her sleepover and still go out with me this morning.
We went to Steak and Shake for breakfast, and then walked around Michaels and Five Below for a few minutes. (We bought approximately $15 worth of stuff, including birthday presents for Houston, needles, and some hair chalk that was in the 70% off Valentines stuff. As we walked back to the car, Katrina exclaimed, "We're having a shopping spree!")
And then we went to the pet store, planning to get Katrina a beta fish. In the course of walking around, though, we found the hermit crabs, and Katrina was all, "I wish i could get a hermit crab!" I was like, "Um. Rather than a beta? Because they're actually the same price."
Her: "Probably. Yes."
Me: "Uh...let me text Daddy...."
("Katrina wants to know if she can get a hermit crab instead of a fish."
Juanito: "YES! What fun!")
And so it was decided. We talked to the pet store guy to find out if we'd actually be able to keep one alive and how hard it would be and what would be needed. We walked around the store, looking at everything while Katrina ruminated. And then, in possibly the easiest decision-making process of her life, Katrina decided that she definitely wanted a crab. And then, as the guy was showing us some of the choices, this little guy came out as soon as he was picked up and looked around and started crawling over his hand. Katrina was smitten.
One box of "Salt water conditioner" (apparently they need salt water or they can't molt and then they die) and bottle of hermit crab food later, and the crab was packed into a paper bag. As we were driving home, Katrina kept giggling because she could feel the crab walking around in the bag. In yet another amazingly quick decision, Katrina named her "Luna."
They boys are also quite smitten, and since hermit crabs are totally social animals, they've both decided that they would also like to get one. So. We might be getting more of these little guys in the future.
Tonight we had movie night with our friends. We've been having movie night for maybe a year now? The kids go in a different room and watch a movie one of the kids has chosen, and the adults do the same in the comfy room. Tonight was Linda's turn to choose, so we watched "Boyhood." It's such a good movie, but it seriously makes you have lots and lots of feelings. Mostly sad ones. Nevertheless! Good food, great friends, and a good movie makes for a great night. Yay!
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