Tuesday, February 17, 2015


A couple of months ago, the librarian at my kids' school gave me a big box of new books that needed to be covered with contact paper. She was all, "No hurry! Just whenever you have time!" I did an embarrassingly good job of procrastinating on doing the re-covering. Today she sent me an email asking me to bring in whatever was finished so that she could put them out for reading awareness month.

So i spent most of today covering books. I finished everything i had enough contact paper for. Most of the books, that is. So now i can stop having that box staring accusingly at me. Yay!

Yesterday, for no reason whatsoever, Katrina handed me a little stack of coupons that she'd written up. It has things like, "I will go downtown with you and you can take pictures," and "You can choose any hairstyle and do it for school or fun." Also, "You can have half an hour to do whatever. We will take care of Emma for you." Awww. She's such a little sweetie. 

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