After a hiatus of 2-3 years, we've started playing with Snapchat again. Katrina kind of started it, and then we started sending silly snaps back and forth, and then Beth joined in, so then Juanito was feeling left out and he started up too. Zane would love to take part, but he doesn't have a phone yet, so he just joins in with others, and Houston refuses to get it on his phone because...some reason. We keep trying to draw him in, though. We shall prevail! (Maybe.)
Today our cute little guinea pig Buttercup died. We had her for six and a half years and she was at least a year old when we got her, so she lived a good long life, and she was getting skinny and old, but we are still all sad. Poor Zane, who discovered both of our other guinea pigs when they died, also discovered Buttercup this afternoon. Poor little guy.
So Zane and i were snuggling on the couch, talking about Buttercup, and he asked what i thought guinea pig heaven was like. We speculated about the hay and the lack of predators, and he was like, "How do we really know what guinea pigs want, though? Maybe they just really want to play volleyball." So then i asked what heaven would be like if he designed it, and he said, "It would be like a trampoline park, except there would be mattresses on the ceiling and there would be no gravity in that room." Sounds exactly right for him.
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