Who's your favorite band or musician? And what kind of music is it?
Houston - Caravan Palace, electronic dance music
Katrina - U2 or Taylor Swift. But i mostly like a mixture of artists. Like i like a song by this person i've never heard of except for this one song and a song by that person i've never heard of except for that one song. Just random artists.
Zane - I don't really have a favorite. I like a lot of different kinds of music.
What do you think you'll be doing in 5 and 10 years?
Houston - In 5 years, i'll be 21. Probably drinking. LOL. Maybe editing a video and/or a movie and/or a TV show... Editing something. In 10 years, I'll be 27. I'll be married with 15 children, assuming we keep having triplets.
Katrina - In 5 years, i'll be 20 so i'll probably be in college still, studying film but not how to be an actress, wishing i could have a dog. In 10 years i'll be 25. I'll hopefully be a zookeeper spy artist, which i've wanted to do since i was in 4th grade. But if that fails, then i'll be a film person, doing sets or directing or editing or costume design, and i'll have a St. Bernard.
Zane - In 5 years, i'll be going to high school. In 10 years, i'll be working as a scientist or something.
What do you do for fun?
Houston - Stuff. Video games are fun. In school, I mess with my friends on Google Docs.
Katrina - I read. I draw. I sleep. I look at Pinterest. And all the rest of the time, i do homework. Not for fun.
Zane - I lie in bed and listen to audiobooks. I read comic books. I play games like Score Four and Uno.
What makes you really angry and why?
Houston - In the YouTube comments of songs, there will be comments that say, "Who's listening to this in 2019?" and there are like 10 of these on every song that there is, and there are hundreds of people saying, "Oh, me! That's crazy!" And it's like, didn't you see the other hundred people? You're not special.
Katrina - Donald Trump. Because he's Donald Trump. OH! Also Mr. Tu and Mr. Droski and stupid Kumar. With Mr. Droski, it's mostly because he said that you don't need medicine for depression - you can just get over it. And with Mr. Tu, i'm just angry with him all of the time because he sucks. OH! And Spotify ads.
Zane - Okay. When there are a bunch of lines on a paper or something, but there's one that's just a bit shorter, but it's just enough that you can see that it's shorter. Basically things that would make an OCD person angry.
What makes you laugh?
Houston - Things that are unintentionally bad, but are hilarious because of it.
Katrina - Cute puppies failing at doing things. Stupid puns. Mainly just videos of animals being silly.
Zane - Good jokes? Jokes that are so bad, but so bad that they're hilariously bad. Like, "Why did Sally drop her ice cream cone? Because she was hit by a bus."
What do you wish you knew how to do that you don't know how to do right now?
Houston - OH! To be able to speak in Morse Code and be able to communicate with people by randomly yelling grunts. That would be awesome.
Katrina - Do the splits. How to not stress out all the time about every small thing.
Zane - Crab walk faster! I want to be the fastest crab walker on earth.
Do you think you're more introverted or extroverted?
Houston - More introverted. Given the choice, i would be okay with just sitting on a computer for hours alone with music and nobody else. But i would also be totally okay with going to a party as long as i know people there. I don't really like meeting new people. Like, i'll never go up to somebody and say, "Hi. I'm Houston."
Katrina - Introverted. I don't like talking to people who aren't my close friends or family. Some extroverts that i know can sit down with people they barely know and just talk about anything and just talk constantly. They just TALK.
Zane - I don't know. I think i'm 50-50. Because when i'm meeting new people, i hate talking or anything. But when i know the people, i love talking to them.
If you could go back in time for one week, what year would you travel to?
Houston - (So much hemming and hawing going on!) When did the stock market crash?! I want to be there for the stock market crash! I would want to go to (looks it up on his phone) October 22, 1929. Just so i can see how awesome everything is, and then everything goes out the window and then everything sucks, and everyone would be sad and that would be funny! Oh.
Katrina - If we died there, would we die for real? (Me: Yes. WHY?) I was thinking if i killed a person like Hitler and someone else killed me, would i die? Okay. So...Ooooo! I'd go back to the LiveAid concert! Because it's also the 80's and i could rock that 80's style! Or if i could go meet JK Rowling before she became super famous.
Zane - Could i bring a camera? Could i bring a computer back and sell it? (Me: No.) I guess i'd go to the time of the dinosaurs and take pictures of how they were wiped out. And then can i sell the pictures? Because if not, then i want to change my answer. Okay. I want to figure out how ancient things were built. Like the pyramids and Stonehenge and Easter Island.
What do Dad or i do that embarrasses you?
Houston - Nothing. Well, on occasion, you'll make me do these weird interviews, and it's really embarrassing, man.
Katrina - Nothing.
Zane - I guess it's a little bit weird when Dad shows up to school to pick me up and he's wearing his headphones. Because every single time i hear somebody say, "Why is he wearing his headset?" Because it's not a headset! It has no microphone!
What do you think about the most during each day?
Houston - "Would it be funny to say this, or would it be offensive?" Because i don't want to say something trying to be funny, but say something racist or something.
Katrina - "I'm hungry and tired. I have homework. I'm stressed out."
Zane - Everything! Like Minecraft. And how it's super weird how circles have zero and infinity sides. And how hot dogs are made. And how space is infinite but it keeps growing, and how is that possible?! And today i thought, could you make a bank account and spend billions of dollars and then destroy your bank account before the end of the month so you don't have to pay for it? And what if the monsters i drew came to life and were angry at me for making them? And how i would make my head if i could change its shape every day before school? And i think about how humans would think if their brains were the size of dog brains. And how cool it would be if we had eyes on the sides of our heads or on antennae like slugs.
If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
Houston - I would want to just meet some random guy off the street in the Middle Ages and introduce them to phones or whatever. Because if i met a celebrity, i'd be like, "Hi celebrity dude," and then just stand there awkwardly.
Katrina - Could they be fictional? Because i really, really want to meet Harry Potter. (Me: No.) JK Rowling? Or Bono? Emma Watson would be pretty cool, and she's the closest thing i could get to Hermione.... I don't know! I just keep thinking of fictional characters!!! Eddy Redmayne! Because he played Newt Scamander AND he's a Hufflepuff! I've researched this.
Zane - Could they be fictional? Because i'd want to meet Voldemort! Or Percy Jackson. (Me: No) JK Rowling or Rick Riordan. Because they wrote awesome books. Or i'd meet the guy who made Apple, because he'd be like, "Here. Have a dollar."
If you won the lottery, how would you spend your money?
Houston - I would want to win one of the not-well-known lotteries, because i wouldn't want anyone to know i won and i wouldn't want the publicity. I would probably save it, honestly, and then just spend it throughout my lifetime and not have to work.
Katrina - I'd put it all in a bank account. I'd pay off college and this house. I'd pay Houston's college and Zane's college. And then i'd make a house that's exactly like i want and has all kinds of secret passages that only i know about, and it would have a giant library. And i'd give a lot of it to charity. I'd maybe buy some more houses and give them to people who need them. OH. And i'd get a St. Bernard named Albus Percevil Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Zane - I'd buy an awesome house with ten secret rooms or passageways that could have a blender in them and a blueberry tree so that i could make blueberry smoothies. I'd also buy a blender and a blueberry tree. And an apple tree and a strawberry tree. But i just want an awesome house with a bunch of secret places. Like in a carpet room, there would be some carpet that you could pull up and there'd be a room under the floor.
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