The awesome thing about working at the library is that i am constantly surrounded by books, so i am constantly finding books that i want to read. For the past year and a half, i have constantly had a pile of books that i've been working my way through. I read fairly quickly, but i find new books to read even more quickly. And it's GREAT! I never have that, "What should i read now?" problem, unless it's "Which of these 8 books should i read next?"
The downside of this constant stream of books is that i haven't re-read any of my books for the past year and a half. And that's not a huge problem or anything, except that i miss reading my old books. There are certain books that i have a habit of reading every year or two - "Pride and Prejudice," "Les Miserables," the Harry Potter series - and i haven't read most of them for 3 or 4 years now. I miss my friends! (I am a dork!)
So i'm not checking out any books during January. (Except for 2 - one that i've had on hold for a long time, that just came in and if i don't check it out i'll have to wait for a long time again, and the book club book for this month.) This month - and maybe next month too - is dedicated to re-reading books in my house. So far i've been re-reading the Gallagher Girls series, and i've been completely enjoying it again.
And besides that, it's mostly been homework here. Homework, homework, and more homework.
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