Saturday, May 12, 2018

Tulip time and Rela

In our church's youth group, all of the kids are divided up into small groups (life groups), and once every month or two, there's a "Rela" day (Rela=relationship building). For the Rela, each group is in charge of coming up with their own activity, which they can then do whenever they choose. (The best part of this is that we can plan it so that we get our Sunday night free!) SO. This week is a Rela week. 

Yesterday Katrina's group went to Craig's Cruisers to play laser tag and do go-carts. (Afterwards, i asked Katrina how she liked laser tag, and she was all, "Well...i don't want to be rude or make anyone else feel bad. But i really didn't like it. It was super stressful." Happily there were the go-carts and also ice cream, so she had fun.)

Today, Beth and i took our girls to the park with the boardwalk and then to Dairy Queen for blizzards. Beforehand, i was all, "I mean...we probably won't walk the whole loop, because it's pretty long and some of our girls are not big on exercise." And then we got there, and the girls all practically sprinted the entire way. So they had fun! Which is good! And there were blizzards!

I worked until 2 today, so we had our Rela in the afternoon, finishing at 5, and then we planned to go to Holland for Tulip Time because it's been a couple of years at least since we all went, and the tulips are quite beautiful. So we got to Holland at about 6:00, parked, and started walking down the main street. And the tulips were gorgeous! And it was chilly but not freezing. And everyone was enjoying themselves. And then we got to the park with lots of tulips, and just as we entered it started drizzling. There were crowds of people, and they all sprinted for cover. We were all, "Haha! Look at all of the people being all wimpy! We can totally walk around in this drizzle!" And then it started raining a bit harder, and we were all, "No no it's okay. We can totally handle this!" And then it started pouring. Pouring. And, because i'm an idiot, i was all, "Okay. So. We can either stay here or walk over to the giant tulip field that is supposed to be amazing or just head back to the car." (Eye roll.) 

We headed back to the car. Before we even left the park, we were all halfway soaked. By the time we got to the car, we were all utterly drenched. Like, through-the-winter-coat-and-sweatshirt-and-long-sleeved-shirt wet. And cold. 

So. Fun? Sort of. Memorable? Definitely.

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