Thursday, November 16, 2017


So hey! I just got glasses for the first time in my life. They're not a strong prescription: -.75 in one eye and -1.00 in the other (Wait. IS that a strong prescription? I know exactly nothing about glasses, and the people at "America's Best Eyeglasses" were friendly but not overly communicative about anything.). Basically, i'm getting old, and my far-away vision is starting to get a little bit blurry, so it's harder to read small print across the room. So! Glasses!

Y'know what nobody ever told me about glasses? They completely suck. At least so far they do. I mean, i guess they work, but i have spent the day completely nauseated and dizzy and feeling like the floor is in entirely the wrong place. Also, they make far away things all clear, but they make close up things really blurry, which is awesome for my job, where i am going back and forth between far away and close all the time. (I could get bifocals, but i feel like that would be even WORSE, dizzy-wise.)

ANYHOW. I'm sure that i'll get used to them in a few days and they'll be awesome. But right now? Bleh.

Besides getting new glasses (Yay!), i've just been working on making Christmas presents and getting the house a little bit ready for the switch-over to Christmas decorations.

Well, that and also i've been spending most nights this week forcing Zane to focus on doing all of the math homework that he "didn't have" and therefore didn't do. So that's been fun. But he's finished now, and there is much rejoicing. Woo!!!

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