Sunday, August 20, 2017

A very people-filled day

We had a really fun, full day today.

After church, we went straight to my sister Jackie's house, where there was lunch and swimming and babies and laughter. Zane dared to jump off the diving board - his first time jumping into the deep end of the pool. Immediately he decided that it was his favorite new thing, and he spent the rest of the time there jumping in over and over and over. "I LOVE swimming!" he declared as he wolfed down ice cream so that he could swim some more.

We left there a little earlier than we usually would, stopped at home to drop stuff off, pick stuff up, and say hello to the dog, and then headed to our friends' house. They're some of our favorite people, and we haven't seen them in months, so it was really awesome to get to hang out with them again. Plus they're fostering six adorable kittens, so there were kittens for everyone to cuddle and play with. Juanito made chicken pot pie, and it was delicious. Andrew was supposed to give us autographs because he is recently famous, but we never did get those.... It was super fun, and we laughed a lot, and discussed politics and scowled, and all came home exhausted but happy.

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