Sunday, September 13, 2015

New bike!

We spent today at my parents' house, along with most of the rest of my family.

My brother Jim found a guy on Craigslist who was selling a whole ton of bikes for $10 each. Really good bikes. He emailed me and asked me if we'd be interested in any of them, and we replied with, "Um, yes. This one for Katrina and this one because Juanito is crazy and wants to try fixing up ANOTHER one." He ended up just buying ALL the bikes, because when you come from a huge family and there are bikes for $10 each, you can bet your bootie that someone's going to want to buy them all.

The bike we got for Katrina is a Trek, and it apparently usually sells for about $400 in the store and $250 used. She's not a fan of the green color, and at first she was very "meh" about it, until we realized that the only reason she didn't like it was the color. Juanito has promised her that they can paint it something cute, and since then she's been riding it around cheerfully and has decided that she kind of loves it. Yay!

I also accidentally kind of got in a huge discussion/argument about guns and gun control with my family. I usually avoid that subject like the plague, but i somehow assumed that putting Bible verses on guns was going too far, even for them, and ... i was wrong, i guess. Lesson learned. 

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