Friday, July 24, 2015

Balloon Festival!

Tonight was the balloon festival in town. Yay!

My brother and his lovely wife invited us over for dinner beforehand, so we got to hang out with them a little bit and see their cute baby, which was lovely. I like my family!

We went to the balloon festival last year as well, but it was in a totally different location this year, so it was a very different experience. For starters, we were smarter this year and didn't go so, so early, which meant that we weren't just sitting around for hours waiting for things to start. But also, they had way, way more stuff going on. It was at the fairgrounds, so they had vendors and more things for the kids to do.

It wasn't too, too windy this year, which meant that they could actually launch. Last year they barely got up for the night glow, so it was really cool to see them go up and float away. They're just so pretty!

The downside, this year, is that for the night glow, we couldn't see nearly as well. Last year, we could kind of walk among the balloons and see all of them. This year, they were packed into a square, and we had to basically stay put, so we could only see the ones on our side. (And a big, stupid Remax balloon parked itself right smack in front of us, blocking our view of some of the cooler balloons. Dang it.) But it was still beautiful and fun and i'm super-happy that we went.

By the time we got home at 11:00, though, i remembered why our kids have bedtimes that are considerably earlier than that. Holy crankiness, Batman!

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